Friday 10 October 2008

THE KILLERS suffers FOR under pressure BANDS

According to Stoermer, today's bands features an increasingly difficult time getting their big smash due to the present nature of the business.He points out that many outfits are struggling due to a sharp increase in illegal downloads which are responsible for a sharp fall in CD sales."It's a really hard time for new bands. It's not that there's a lack of good music, it's just that labels are struggling financially."Some people say that record labels are bad but people forget they are the ones who break the bands and get them on their way."However, he still in confident that labels would survive thanks to a renewed interest in."In the Eighties no-one was really going to see live music. Now it's big business," he remarked.Elsewhere, he recently expressed concern about the impact of the band's touring on the environment.


whoakristin said...

Good article. I agree.

whoakristin said...

This is a good article and it sounds really good.